Invisalign Aligners
Malocclusion has a negative impact on our self-confidence and overall state of health. The teeth act as our business cards, and if we are aware that their positioning is incorrect, we simply smile less. Also,crooked teeth are more difficult to clean and cure, because they create spacesthat are difficult to reach with a toothbrush or dental floss. Currently, orthodontics offers many methods which make adjustments to a patient’s teeth possible, however many people avoid the appliances due to aesthetic reasons; not everyone is comfortable with metal brackets on their teeth.
Invisalign aligners provide an excellent method of improving the looks of the teeth for everyone who would like to do it inconspicuously. The treatment involves straightening of the teeth by means oftransparent, purpose-builtoverlays, which apply a precise level of pressure to the teeth,positioning them in the correct spots. The aligners are designed for each and every patient individually. To begin with,the teeth are scanned and the image containingtheir appearance and positioning is inserted into the computer system, which allows us to determine precisely how many onlays are needed. This in turn determines the duration of the treatment. Also, our staff can see the results of the orthodontic treatment immediately on the computer screen.
The Invisalign aligners are not permanent devices; the patient can remove the appliance at any time. The aligner has to be replaced with a new one approximately every two weeks. It is also important, just as with any other appliance type, that the patient attends check-up appointments, which, in the case of this device, are less frequent.

What is Invisalign?
Invisalign is an advancedmalocclusion correction method. It consists of clear onlays made of heat-shrink silicone, which perfectly cling to the patient’s teeth and are completelyundetectable. An enormous advantage behind this kind of appliance is the comfort that it affords to its user.Application of this type of device does not cause mouth ulcers or irritations, which may frequently occur when using traditional appliances. What is more, the Invisalign aligner does not impede speech. Taking care of the teeth when using this appliance is no different from ordinary, day-to-day oral hygiene; we simply take the aligner off before brushing teeth and put it back on when we are done. The aligner does not require the patient to change their diet, and it is important to remember that the correct course of the treatment calls for the patient to wear the device for at least 22 hours a day.