Aleksandra Zieleniewska
Aleksandra Aleksandrowicz

Aleksandra Zieleniewska

The founder of the clinic, who received her education in Poland, Austria and through attending numerous conferences held in various parts of the world.

UAleksandra has graduated from the Medical University of Gdańsk as well as Vienna School of Interdisciplinary Dentistry. The area of her expertisefocuses on theholistic approach to orthodontic and prosthetic treatments.

Dr Zieleniewska continuously improves her skills by attending numerous conferences andsymposiums in Poland and abroad, and she regularly updates her medical knowledge by referring to the latest research sources and scientific publications; she follows and practises new treatment methods applied in orthodontics, particularly in the area of temporo-mandibular joint dysfunction.

Her passion for orthodontics is the driving force behind Dr Zieleniewska’s participation in medical conventions, workshops and courses which feature the latest and most innovative materials and treatment methods. All these are confirmed by multiple certificates of attendance.

In her spare time,Aleksandra practices Nordic walking and delights in spending time with her daughter either roller-skating, cycling or takingthe dog for a walk. She enjoys challenges, extreme tourism and discovering new places.
One of Dr Aleksandra’s hallmarks is her resounding and most contagious laughter, which can be heard throughout the surgery, and her ever-present longing for the warmth of the summer, which sometimes is expressed through her gentle nagging about the switched on air conditioning.

Known for her professionalism and devotion to everything she does, Dr Aleksandra’smotto is thatthe impossible things could not possibly exist!

Aleksandra Zieleniewska –

Entire team

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    Szanowni Pacjenci!

    Uprzejmie informujemy, że w okresie świątecznym nasz gabinet będzie pracował w następujących godzinach:

    • 27.12 9:00-14:00
    • 28.12 14:00-20:00
    • 29.12 13:00-18:00

    Z tej okazji życzymy także wszystkim wesołych świąt oraz szczęśliwego nowego roku!
